Disruptions: Digital Weddings 2.0: Hashtags and Retweets

For brides and grooms: To hashtag or not to hashtag, that is the question.

via NYT > Weddings / Celebrations http://ift.tt/1ADVc5I

Wisconsin Supreme Court Upholds Registry for Same-Sex Couples

The Wisconsin Supreme Court on Thursday upheld a 2009 law that establishes a registry for same-sex couples, saying it does not violate an amendment to the state's constitution banning gay marriage.

via NYT > Weddings / Celebrations http://ift.tt/1s7bjUm

Federal Court: Virginia Marriage Is for All

An appeals courts' decision to strike down Virginia's same-sex marriage ban adds to the growing list of decrees on a hot-button issue that will likely end up being decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.

via NYT > Weddings / Celebrations http://ift.tt/XfdLhc

Emily Niemi, Thomas Holden: Confident of a ‘Yes’ and a Red Sox Win

The couple met on a ski trip in January 2005 as high school freshmen in Peabody, Mass., and began dating later that year.

via NYT > Weddings / Celebrations http://ift.tt/1taVmiH

Jacqueline de Armas, Marco De León

The bride is a lawyer and the groom works for a unit of the National Park Service.

via NYT > Weddings / Celebrations http://ift.tt/1taVkHC

Bizia Greene, Clinton Huling

The bride owns an etiquette school. The groom is a freelance music supervisor for film and television productions.

via NYT > Weddings / Celebrations http://ift.tt/1pqlZKb

Maryam Toloui, Jeffrey Zelinski

The bride is a social worker; the groom is the senior manager of a clothing and home goods retailer.

via NYT > Weddings / Celebrations http://ift.tt/1taVjn7

George Hutter, Eugene Gumbert

The couple’s 40th anniversary together is the day after their wedding.

via NYT > Weddings / Celebrations http://ift.tt/1taVkrj

Candice Ginsberg, Jonathan Pueschel

A wedding witnessed by rhinoceroses.

via NYT > Weddings / Celebrations http://ift.tt/1pqlY8R

Ashley Eyre, Addison West

The bride is an associate recruiter for a hedge fund. The groom is a vice president of an investment firm.

via NYT > Weddings / Celebrations http://ift.tt/1pqlZJV