Clooney Gives Up Serial Romance for Engagement

Looks like George Clooney owes Michelle Pfeiffer a lot of money.

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North Carolina’s Gay-Marriage Ban Is Challenged by Church

The United Church of Christ, which has supported same-sex marriage since 2005, argues that the state’s ban violates the First Amendment.

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Gay Rights Push Shifts Its Focus South and West

In a drive to win more rights and protections, gay advocates are setting their sights on Southern and Western states, where the movement’s rapid progress has largely eluded gay men and lesbians.

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Clara Bingham and Joseph Finnerty Iii: A Conversation Began and Never Stopped

Once they began a conversation, they could not stop it.

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Brooke Lyons and Maximillian Osswald

The bride is an actress based in Los Angeles; the groom is the head of production at a film and television production company in Santa Monica, Calif.

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Muna Shikaki and Clinton Reach

The bride is a correspondent for Al Arabiya News, an Arabic language news network, and the groom, who was in the Navy, will attend Johns Hopkins.

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Rebecca Kahan and Craig Waldman

Two lawyers are wed.

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Anne Evans and David Hendrickson

The couple met at Georgetown. She’s now a lawyer, and he’s a partner in a hedge fund.

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Rebecca Aledort, Daniel Ryan

The bride and groom work for the Social Security Administration.

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